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How to choose Gua sha oils that will help you get great results

Updated: Dec 25, 2022

You may be wondering what lubricant you can use with your Gua sha tool. If you've read any of my material, you'll know that I don't have any that I specifically recommend as I think you can get results with a whole range of options from vapour rub to olive oil. However, if you were thinking about using oils and you're not sure which one, here's a chart I put together with common oils and the supposed effects on your skin. Remember though to be very careful with oils on your face and if you're trying out a new oil, test an area of your skin first to see if you have a reaction.

When I do body Gua sha in my clinic I almost always just use sweet almond massage oil because it seems to be very rare for people to have a reaction to it. But there are lots of choices. Here are more:

And here are some more:

And more:

Please feel free to let me know what works for you and what doesn't and then I can pass it on to others.

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