How does it work?
Your face is made up of a crisscross of muscles, ligaments, nerves and connective tissue which over time and with certain key behaviors will display themselves on the surface of your skin in the form of wrinkles, lines, baggy areas and discolorations.
With Facial Gua sha, these features can be improved because the action of friction over the connective tissue under your skin, can help the flow of blood by vasodilating your blood vessels. This improvement of blood flow brings with it better nutrition and more flexibility of the underlying tissue and muscles.

There is a lot more to Facial Gua sha than this however. The face can be treated via the body and if you have the knowledge of how the muscular system is not made up of individual muscles but is grouped across the body as an interconnected signaling system, then you have the tools to make more profound changes to your face. This is my approach to Facial Gua sha and involves treating other parts of your body in order to treat the face.
The fascia and muscle system in your face is actually organised within an interconnected group of muscles that stretch all over your body. For example, if you wanted to treat crows feet at the side of your eyes, you need to know that the Small Intestine tendinomuscular channel passes up the side of your cheek and over your temple. And it starts at the muscles of your little finger.
So in order to treat this area of your face, this muscle grouping of the abductor digiti minimi, flexor carpi ulnaris, triceps, infraspinatus, teres minor, supraspinatus and levator scapula muscles should be treated with Gua sha in conjunction with local treatment on your face.
There are other groups of muscles which can also have an effect on this area and also specific parts of those muscles which are more likely to be sore and need Gua sha scraping.
To restrict Facial Gua sha treatment to only the areas of the face is to misunderstand this vital connection of how the body feeds nutrients and blood to the muscles and tissues of the facial area.