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Treat Coughs and Colds with Gua sha

Hi, I’m Clive, and I designed 'How to treat Coughs and Colds with Gua sha' to help people just like you treat your friends and family safely and effectively when they have the symptoms of a cough and cold.

If you’ve always wanted to… 


  • learn a simple and effective treatment for coughs and colds

  • treat yourself, your partner, your friends or family members 

  • get to know one of the most widely used home remedies in East Asia


…then this FREE course is for you!

Gua sha Clive Witham Colds neck
Gua sha Clive Witham Colds arm

In this course, I’ve included everything you should know, including: 

  • how Gua sha Scraping works 

  • a step-by-step strategy for treating symptoms 

  • what you need to know about treating yourself and other people 

So sign up! It's free! And get this ancient home-based remedy to work for your health and those around you. If you have any questions, just ask.

Gua sha Clive Witham Colds

How to Treat Coughs and Colds with Gua sha Scraping therapy is now open, and I invite you to enrol today!

Got a question? Ask it here!

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